Classes will switch from Summer times to Fall times on Monday, August 13, 2018.
The Jonesboro Country Club offers a year round tennis program for juniors involving fundamental instruction and drills encompassing all phases of the game. Tennis pro Gary Jones and his assistants will evaluate juniors and place them into groups according to their ages, athleticism, and playing ability. The age groups listed below are only generalizations and will be considered along with other criteria.
8-under Red Ball (Mondays and Wednesdays 4-5pm)
This class is for juniors 6-9 years old that are just starting out in tennis. It is designed to teach fundamental strokes (forehand, backhand, serve, and volley) along with more hand-eye coordination and footwork. Juniors in this class will also learn the rules of tennis, tennis etiquette, and how to keep score. Juniors in this class will be using the low compression balls and will be playing on the 60' tennis court.

10-Under Orange Ball (Tuesdays and Thursdays 4-5pm)
This class is for Juniors 10-under who have been playing competitive tournaments for a least one year and is designed to further the junior's strokes and footwork, along with their basic knowledge of the game. They will also learn how to keep score in the dreaded tie-breaker. These juniors should be playing tournaments and going on our trips. But they should also still be taught that tennis is a game and they should be having fun. These juniors should know how to keep score and they should also be consistent with their serves from behind the service line. This class will be using the low compression balls and will be playing on the 60' tennis court.

10-Up Green Ball (Mondays and Wednesdays 5-6:30pm)
This class is for boys and girls 10 years old and older and is designed to further the junior's strokes and footwork, along with their basic knowledge of the game. They will also learn how to keep score in the dreaded tie-breaker. These juniors should be playing tournaments and going on our trips. But they should also still be taught that tennis is a game and they should be having fun. These juniors should know how to keep score and they should also be consistent with their serves from behind the service line. This class will only be using the regular tennis balls and playing on the full sized court.

10-Up Yellow Ball (Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-6:30pm)
This class is for boys and girls 10-17 years old and is designed to further the junior's strokes and footwork, along with their basic knowledge of the game. These juniors should be playing tournaments and going on our trips, and also playing on their high school teams. But they should also still be taught that tennis is a game and they should be having fun. These juniors should know how to keep score and they should also be consistent with their serves from behind the service line. This class will only be using the regular tennis balls and playing on the full sized court.
(For all classes the cost is $12/hour per junior. Members will be billed on a monthly basis through their club account. Nonmembers will also be billed on a monthly basis and will be charged an extra $25 per month guest fee.) To sign up your juniors, or if you have any questions, please call Gary at 870-932-6556 or email him at